Monday, 7 March 2016

A Pledge for Parity and Equality

Women – a symbol of love, and compassion,
An exemplar of tolerance, and immense passion,
But, the irony is, they are still deprived of,
The acknowledgement they deserve, and are in need of.

An epitome of dauntless character,
It’s your life, you are the creator,
Playing numerous roles with care, without any failure,
It’s your story, and you are the writer.

You symbolize a character, of unending endurance,
But, we never shy, snubbing your equivalence,
You need to fight, for the right you deserve,
And, it’s our duty to keep you safe and preserve.

It’s never been easy to bear the pain,
While conceiving the child, that you gain,
Keeping the zygote safe, inside your womb,
Helping in development of a baby, through your aplomb.

You are a wife, you are sister,
You are a mother, you are daughter,
So many personas, you manage with a laughter,
You do support us, in all our disaster.

It is indeed our failure, not yours,
Keeping you busy in the household chores,
You do deserve the right, to live your own life,
Enjoying the mellifluous tune, emanating from the fife.

You do bring freshness, in our life,
Whether as a sister, a daughter, or a wife,
You are wonderful, you are marvellous,
But, some don’t respect you, it’s scandalous.

We aren’t worthy, of your complete trust,
But, some do deserve, love and faith for the thrust,
A boy or a man, standing in a corner,
He really respects you, for being a dreamer.

Some are bad, yet some are good also,
Don’t punish them, for the immense love they show,
You are a daughter, while a boy is someone’s son,
Fight for equality, but don’t play with others’ emotion.

-          AlbMa CuNiG (ROHIT GUPTA)