Monday, 7 September 2015

Teachers - an instructor and guru, to help us grow

Parents - being the inaugural instructor at home,
Inculcated good values, in us to hone.
With every lessons, of import, hammered to our brain,
We set out on a voyage to mitigate life's pain.

Holding the pencil between slender fingers of our fragile hand,
Teachers at school, ignited that graphite, to become a mighty pen.
Fostering skilful values, allowing our mind to expand,
They laid us bare remotely, to excel out of our den.

Acknowledging power of the pen mightier than the sword,
We are gaining success in life, with accomplishments broad.
Thank you Teachers for walking with us always,
Excavating the soil while watering seeds to raise.

A mere "Thank You" wouldn't suffice for all your deeds,
We are laden with gratitude. for whatever you did.
Wishing you pink health and happiness all your life,
Happy Teachers Day from me through the fife.

                                                                                          -AlbMa CuNiG


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