Sunday, 13 December 2015

"उड़ना चाहता हूँ मैं"

खुले आसमाँ के आँचल तले,
स्वच्छंद विचरना चाहता हूँ मैं,
सहनशील धरा के ऊपर चले,
मुक्त हो उड़ना चाहता हूँ मैं |

आशाओं के "कोमल पंख" लगाकर,
समुद्र तट पर विचरना चाहता हूँ मैं,
मधुर संगीत की सुरीली तानो की भांति,
शब्द बन मुख से निकलना चाहता हूँ मैं|

हिमाच्छादित हिमालय के भांति,
इच्छाओं को श्वेत करना चाहता हूँ मैं,
काली निशा के भयावह अंधकार में,
आशा की नयी रोशनी जलाना चाहता मैं|

नीले गगन के आलिंगन में रहकर,
प्रकृति की गोद में सोना चाहता हूँ मैं|
पशु - पक्षी और मनुष्य रहे प्यार से ,
एक सपना ऐसा सुनहरा देखना चाहता हूँ मैं|

स्वच्छ जल की चंचलता के भांति,
विश्व भ्रमण करना चाहता हूँ मैं|
समस्त दिशाओं में प्यार के सन्देश फैलाकर,
इच्छाओं के पंख लगा उड़ना चाहता हूँ मैं|

- AlbMa CuNiG (Rohit Gupta)

Monday, 7 September 2015

Teachers - an instructor and guru, to help us grow

Parents - being the inaugural instructor at home,
Inculcated good values, in us to hone.
With every lessons, of import, hammered to our brain,
We set out on a voyage to mitigate life's pain.

Holding the pencil between slender fingers of our fragile hand,
Teachers at school, ignited that graphite, to become a mighty pen.
Fostering skilful values, allowing our mind to expand,
They laid us bare remotely, to excel out of our den.

Acknowledging power of the pen mightier than the sword,
We are gaining success in life, with accomplishments broad.
Thank you Teachers for walking with us always,
Excavating the soil while watering seeds to raise.

A mere "Thank You" wouldn't suffice for all your deeds,
We are laden with gratitude. for whatever you did.
Wishing you pink health and happiness all your life,
Happy Teachers Day from me through the fife.

                                                                                          -AlbMa CuNiG


Sunday, 21 June 2015

Father - An Epitome of Love and Strength

When a child is born,
Relieving the mother, from all her pain,
Joy sparkles in the eyes of father,
And happiness, in heart of all who join.

Overshadowed by motherhood,
Twinkles in corner is a star called fatherhood,
Filled with love, courage and compassion,
Our father stand with us in every situation.

Accompany us, to the carnival and funfair,
Sings lullaby, when mother is not there,
Works consistently, for his children's bright future,
Thank you Dad for everything you did,
In spite of all throes you endure.

With tears in his eyes, almost invisible,
He(father) stands like a wall, with strength viable,
Resembling a coconut against an ossified attitude,
Dad, you are a superhero with characters multitude.

My head goes down, in gratitude,
For everything you did crossing all latitude,
I thank you dad from bottom of my heart,
For all your love, strength, and beautiful thought.

Tuesday, 19 May 2015

Mother - An Epitome of Love and Care

Cares about you, when you are ill,
Excites you, when not working as per your will,
Holds you, when falling down the hill,
She is your mother, with you as long as you live.
Working day and night without complain,
She is too energetic to sit in vain.
Abstaining herself from "her" worldly affairs,
She does think about us with utmost care.
Epitome of selfless love and endless endurance,
She stands like a barrier against any hurricane.
Whatever the situation- joyous or mundane,
She stands besides you with all she can.
God has sculpted our beloved mother,
To take care of us at home forever.
He/She has painted teachers too,
On a different canvas, with a different brush,
But, with the same colours of love and care,
To deal with us like our Mother.
Some people are foolish, while others act as jester,
Who don't look after their old mother.
She, devoted her life for him or her,
Sacrificed her interests to let them prosper,
Can't they even talk with love, with her,
And spend some time to take care of her????????
Mother- you are goddess, you are angel,
Sent by God to take care of us.
Whatever we do, for your love and sacrifice,
It remains a pebble, compared to your muckle of love.
by: Rohit Gupta (AlbMa CuNiG)

Friday, 13 March 2015

Save the Girl Child

Save the Baby, Play with Teddy
Gone are the days, we used to play,
With Teddy in hand, laughing all the way.
We have forgotten - the love, the cuteness
That the Teddy had, along with sweetness.
We prove ourselves as Tech-Savvy,
What done in Badaun wasn't scary?!?!?!
Before, we used to play, with teddy in hand,
Later, we learned, playing with emotions on land.
But the worst that occurred, in our homeland,
We started playing with girls, in a toy-land.
We present ourselves, as best in hospitality,
But we haven't learned yet, what's love and humanity.
We talk about emotions, we talk about charity,
What the "ANIMALS" have done, is all about scarcity.
Scarcity of love, of Sweetness and Softness,
That the teddy had once, as a symbol of happiness.
Have we forgotten, our Motherland - a woman
What's occurring in India, is a bad omen.
The rape in Delhi, in Rohtak, in Badaun,
My heart always weeps, while the eyes frown.
The girls suffer, get killed in the womb,
But, we never hesitate in calling them a "BOMB".
We need to think, over the brink,
To restore the colour of fading pink.
On this Teddy day, let's take a oath
We will respect girls, with a troth.
This will bring prosperity, to our nation,
What the world would get, is a good notion.
- A Tribute to the Rape Victims.

Promise - Do if You Can

A promise if fake,
isn't worthy to make.
with your life not at stake,
It's better to be opaque.
Make a commitment today
That, your promise will never decay.
Riding on a one horse open sleigh,
Let's declare solemnly today.
With love, hope and faith, making you pray,
I am wishing you all a HAPPY PROMISE DAY.


With my arms stretched, I am coming to you,
To give a hug, with a feeling for you.
Feeling of love, humanity and trust,
I feel for you with my open heart.


A kiss on head symbolises faith,
A kiss on cheek defines relationship,
A kiss on lip represents love,
Let's take a kiss, full of bliss.

Holi Hai

Fill your Pichkari with different color,
Blow your whistle louder and louder,
Feel the drops of water as pitter-patter,
Let's play Holi with a huge laughter.
Mix the colors red, blue and green,
Don't show your face with a grin.
Spread the color of Love, Peace and Serene,
Let's play Holi with a loud scream.
Festival of Love, Peace and Brotherhood,
What fun we had in our childhood,
Let the colors of joy fill our life,
Let's play Holi with a ocean dive.
Take care of animals around you,
Don't throw colors on them, a few,

                             By AlbMa CuNiG

Women - We Love You, We Respect You

Women - a symbol of Love,
An Exemplar of Endurance,
But the irony, they are deprived of,

Some sort of utmost importance.
Women, being constantly remembered,
Of their womanhood.
But, many make them cry,
as a symbol of manhood.

To stand by your(women) side,
some of us lack temerity,
But in anguishing the girl, the bride,
We do forget humanity.

Your heart is immense - pure and clean,
We love to put our head,
On your shoulder, while we lean.

You are delicate like the petals of rose,
But, we salute you, for the painful throes.
Throes of pain you endure during childbirth,
What we get, a reason for immense mirth.

You are a wife, you are daughter,
You are a mother, you are sister.
So many roles you handle, with care & laughter,
You do support us in our disaster.

You are addressed as Lakshmi,
You are idolised as Saraswati,
You are Durga, You are Shakti,
We salute you, for your audacity.

When a boy is young,
You are always with them.
As a sister, as a friend,
You always help them.

You do bring freshness in our life,
Whether as a sister, daughter or wife.
You are wonderful, You are marvelous,
But, some don't respect you, it is scandalous.

We love your innocence as a daughter,
We do share your passion as a lover,
You care about us as a sister,
We feel your warmth as a mother and friend ever.

You are melodious, You are charming,
You are naughty, yet, so sharing,
Your heart is tender, also too tough,
We love you forever, that's not enough.

Women - We Love you, We Respect you,
For your endurance, We do Admire you.